alg.exe=The Application Layer Gateway Service is Used for Internet Connection Sharing.
csrss.exe=The Windows Client Server Runtime Subsystem handles Windows and Graphics Functions for all Subsystems.
ddhelp.exe=DirectDraw Helper is part of DirectX and is used for graphics related services.
dllhost.exe=The DCOM DLL Host process supports DLL based COM objects and is used by many Windows programs.
inetinfo.exe=InetInfo is Part of Microsoft Internet Infomation Services (IIS) and is used for debugging.
kernel32.dll=The Windows Kernel provides System Services for managing Threads, Memory, and Resources.
lsass.exe=The Windows Local Security Authority Server Process Handles Windows Security Mechanisms.
mmtask.tsk=The Windows Multimedia Background Task Support Module handles multimedia services like MIDI.
mprexe.exe=Windows Routing ProcessThe Windows Routing Process Routes incoming network requests to the appropriate network provider.
msgsrv32.exe=The Windows Message Server Loads Windows Drivers and the Program Manager at start up.
mstask.exe=The Windows Task Scheduler is used to schedule tasks such at backups or updates to run at certain times or dates.
regsvc.exe=The Remote Registry Service allows Access to the Windows Registry from Remote Computers.
rpcss.exe=The Windows RPC portmapper process handles RPC-calls (Remote Procedure Calls) and maps them to the appropriate service provider.
services.exe=Manage the operation of starting and stopping Windows services..
smss.exe=The Session Manager Subsystem initializes system environment variables, MS-DOS devices names such as LPT1 and COM1, loads the kernel for the Win32 subsystem, and starts the Windows Logon Process.
snmp.exe=The Windows Simple Network Managment Protocol (SNMP) Agent is a proxy that listens for requests and hands them off to the appropriate network provider.
spool32.exe=The Windows Printer Spooler stores printer jobs and forwards them to the printer when it is ready.
spoolsv.exe=The Windows Printer Spooler stores printer jobs and forwards them to the printer when it is ready.
stisvc.exe=The Still Image Service handles scanners and digital cameras and is installed by Windows if a Scanner or Camera is connected to the computer.
svchost.exe=The Service Host Process is generic host process for services that are run from dynamic-link libraries (DLLs).
taskmon.exe=The Windows Task Optimizer monitors how often you use a program and is used by defrag to optimize the harddisk for loading commonly used programs.
tcpsvcs.exe=The TCP/IP Services Application supports network and internet communication through TCP/IP.
winlogon.exe=The Windows NT Logon Utility handles user logons.
winmgmt.exe=The Windows Management Service handles requests for Windows Management Instrumentation data (WMI) from client applications.
3cmlnkw.exe=Essential background task for some US Robotics 56K WinModem software-based modems.
3dfxman.exe=System Tray task installed by the drivers for 3dfx graphics cards, or Voodoo graphics cards from the Voodoo 3 onward.
absr.exe=This Process is create by the Backdoor.Autoupder Virus.
acrobat.exe=Acrobat Writer is used to create PDF Documents.
acrord32.exe=Acrobat Reader is used to View PDF Documents.
agentsvr.exe=OLE Automation Server is a Part of Microsoft Agent.
aim.exe=AOL Instant Messenger is an Online Chat and Instant Messaging Client.
airsvcu.exe=The Microsoft Media Manager loads at Startup and Indexes Files and Folders on the Harddrive. It can be disabled from the Control Panel.
alogserv.exe=McAfee VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for Viruses.
atiptaxx.exe=ATI Task Bar Icon. This is a System Tray icon which gets installed when you install the ATI drivers.
avconsol.exe=McAfee VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for Viruses.
avsynmgr.exe=McAfee VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for Viruses.
backWeb.exe=Backweb is an Adware by Backweb Technologies.
bcb.exe=Borland C++ Builder.
calc.exe=Microsoft Windows Calculator.
ccapp.exe=The Symantec Common Client Application is included with Norton AntiVirus 2003/4 and Norton Personal Firewall 2003/4.
ccevtmgr.exe=Common Client Event Manager Service for Norton AntiVirus 2003/4, Norton Personal Firewall 2003/4, and Norton Internet Security 2003/4.
ccsetmgr.exe=The Symantec Common Client Application is included with Norton AntiVirus 2003/4 and Norton Personal Firewall 2003/4.
cdplayer.exe=Microsoft Windows Audio CD Player.
charmap.exe=The Microsoft Windows Character Map Utility Helps you find unusual Characters.
cidaemon.exe=The Indexing Service runs in the background and catalogues files so that you can search for files containing a specific text string.
cisvc.exe=The Microsoft Index Service Helper monitors the memory usage of Microsoft Indexing Service (cidaemon.exe) and automatically restarts cidaemon.exe if it uses more than 40Mb of memory.
cmd.exe=Windows Command PromptMicrosoft Windows Command Prompt. Unlike the old, cmd.exe is a 32bit command prompt used in WinNT/2000/XP.
cmesys.exe=The Gator GAIN Adware is installed by certain free softwares and is an advertising spyware which runs in the background and displays advertisements.
ctfmon.exe=Provides text input support for speech recognition, handwriting recognition, keyboard, translation, and other alternative user input technolgies.
ctsvccda.exe=Creative Services for CD-ROM Access service in W9X.
cutftp.exe=CuteFTP is a popular FTP program used to tranfer files to/from FTP servers.
defwatch.exe=Norton Anti-Virus scans you files and email for viruses.
devldr32.exe=Creative Device Loader is a Create Soundblaster Driver.
directcd.exe=Adaptec DirectCD is used to write/read files to/from DirectCD formatted CDs directly using the Windows Filemanager.
dreamweaver.exe=Macromedia DreamWeaver is a HTML Editor used to create Websites and other HTML documents.
em_exec.exe=The Logitech MouseWare Trayicon from which you can access the Control Panel Mouse properties and the MouseWare help.
excel.exe=Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program included in Microsoft Office.
explorer.exe=The Windows Program Manager or Windows Explorer handles the Windows Graphical Shell including the Start-menu, Taskbar, Desktop and File Manager.
findfast.exe=The Microsoft Office Indexing process is Used by Microsoft Office applications to index Office Documents to speed up search operations.
frontpage.exe=Microsoft FrontPage is a HTML Editor used to create Websites and other HTML documents.
fsrremos.exe=A file for mouse software "Mouse 98 Daemon" from Primax Electronics Ltd.
gmt.exe=The Gator Spyware Component is installed with Gator and is started when you open Gator.
hh.exe=Windows HelpThe Windows Help Program is used to open Help files and Documentation included with many Windows Programs.
hidserv.exe=Backround Service which provides support for USB Audio Devices and USB Multimedia keyboards.
ico.exe=Mouse Suite 98 Daemon from Primax Electronics Ltd.
icq.exe=ICQ is an Online Chat and Instant Messaging Client.
iexplore.exe=The Microsoft Internet Explorer Web Browser is used to Browse the World Wide Web through HTTP.
internat.exe=The Input Locales Traybar icon is used to change regional settings such as Keyboard type, Currency or Date Format.
irmon.exe=The Windows IRMon Process Monitors the Infrared port activity.
kodakimage.exe=Kodak Imaging is an Image Viewer inlcuded with Windows that is used to open Image Files.
loadqm.exe=The MSN Queue Manager Loader is installed with MSN Explorer and MSN Messenger. It can somtimes use a lot of system resources.
loadwc.exe=Load WebCheck customizes some of the settings in Internet Explorer, adds, removes, and updates subscriptions and propagates settings for user profiles.
mad.exe=The System Attendant Service for Microsoft Exchange Server runs in the background and is needed by Microsoft Exchange Server.
mdm.exe=The Machine Debug Manager is used for Debugging Applications and is Installed by the Microsoft Script Editor which is included in Microsoft Office.
mgutil.exe=Magic Utilities 2003,a cute program designed to make your computer clean and more stable.
mcshield.exe=VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for Viruses.
mgabg.exe=Matrox BIOS Guard Process.
mmc.exe=Windows Disk Defragmenter is used to Defragment fragmented Harddrives for increased Performance.
mobsync.exe=Part of Internet Explorer which runs in the background and handles the View Pages Offline" feature.
mplayer.exe=Windows Media Player is used to open and play music, sound and video files.
mplayer2.exe=Windows Media PlayerWindows Media Player is used to open and play music, sound and video files.
msaccess.exe=Microsoft Access is a Database program included in Microsoft Office.
msbb.exe=The MSBB Web3000 Spyware Application is included with some adware products and is started from the registry when Windows is loaded.
msdtc.exe=The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator handles transactions across multiple servers and is installed by Microsoft Personal Web Server and Microsoft SQL Server.
msiexec.exe=Windows Installer Component which is used to install new programs that uses Windows Installer package files (MSI).
msimn.exe=Microsoft Outlook Express is an Email and Newsgroup Client included with Microsoft Windows.
msmsgs.exe=MSN Messenger is an Online Chat and Instant Messaging Client.
msoobe.exe=Windows Product Activation is used to Active an Windows XP License.
mspaint.exe=Microsoft Paint is an Image Editor included with Microsoft Windows that can be used to edit Bitmap Images.
mspmspsv.exe=Helper Service needed installed by Windows Media Player 7.
mysqld-nt.exe=The MySQL Daemon Handles Access to MySQL Databases.
navapsvc.exe=Norton Anti-Virus scans you files and email for viruses.
navapw32.exe=Norton Anti-Virus scans you files and email for viruses.
ndetect.exe=The ICQ Ndetect Agent is used by ICQ to detect an Internet Connection.
netscape.exe=The Netscape Web Browser is used to Browse the World Wide Web through HTTP.
notepad.exe=The Notepad Text Editor is used to Open Text Documents and is included with Windows.
ntbackup.exe=The Windows Backup Utility is used to backup files and folders.
ntvdm.exe=The Windows Virtual Machine for 16-bit Windows and Dos programs is used to run dos programs and old Windows programs inside a virtual machine.
nvsvc32.exe=NVIDIA nView Control Panel is installed by NVIDIA Graphics Card Drivers provides desktop layout settings and optimizations.
nwiz.exe=NVIDIA nView Control Panel is installed by NVIDIA Graphics Card Drivers provides desktop layout settings and optimizations.
osa.exe=The Microsoft Office Startup Assistant is loaded at Startup and improves performance by handling automation, office fonts, certain office commands and Outlook notifications.
outlook.exe=Microsoft Outlook is an Email Client included with Microsoft Office.
photoshop.exe=Adobe Photoshop is an Image Editor that can be used to open and edit photos and other raster images in most formats.
point32.exe=The Microsoft Intellimouse Monitor adds a mouse settings icon to the traybar.
powerpnt.exe=Microsoft PowerPoint is a Presentation Program included with Microsoft Office.
pstores.exe=The Microsoft Protected Storage Service handles Protected Storage Passwords.
qttask.exe=The Quick Time Tray Icon enables you to start Quick Time from the System Tray.
rabbit.exe=You have the W32.Mimail.S@mm virus.
rasautou.exe=Microsoft Windows NT4/2000/XP/2003 Remote Access Dialler.
realplay.exe=Real Player is a Media Player used to open and play music, sound and video files in Real Media Format.
realevent.exe=Another RealOne Player background task.Real Player is a Media Player used to open and play music, sound and video files in Real Media Format.
regshave.exe=Registry Shaver task installed when you install the software for Fuji Finepix digital cameras.
rexproxy.exe=Microsoft NetShow Real-Time Encoder Proxy. NetShow is a standard developed by Microsoft as a means of streaming multimedia over the Internet.
rmctrl.exe=Remote Control background application for PowerDVD version 4 and above.
rnaapp.exe=The Windows Modem Connection Process handles dial-up modem connections.
rtvscan.exe=Norton Anti-Virus scans you files and email for viruses.
rundll.exe=Part of Windows 98 and Me is used to run DLLs as programs and is used by many programs to execute functions located in a DLL file.
rundll32.exe=The Windows Rundll32 Program is used to run DLLs as programs and is used by many programs to execute functions located in a DLL file.
sndrec32.exe=The Windows Sound Recorder is used to play and record sound files (.wav).
sndvol32.exe=The Windows Volume Control process us used to control the volume of the Soundcard and can usually be access from the traybar.
spoolss.exe=The Windows Printer Spooler Subsystem controls despooling of Printer data from Disk to Printer.
starter.exe=Tray Icon for opening the Creative Sound Mixer installed with Creative Soundcards (Soundblaster).
systray.exe=The Windows power management process handles Energy saving functions and is loaded at startup.
tapisrv.exe=Background Service which provides Windows Telephony (TAPI) Support.
userinit.exe=The UserInit program runs logon scripts, reestablishes network connections and starts the Shell.
visio.exe=Microsoft Visio is used to draw figures.
vptray.exe=Norton Anti-Virus scans you files and email for viruses.
vshwin32.exe=McAfee VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for Viruses.
vsmon.exe=The True Vector Internet Monitor is a component of the ZoneAlarm Personal FireWall which monitors internet traffic and generates alerts.
vsstat.exe=McAfee VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for Viruses.
wab.exe=Address BookThe Address Book stored email address and contact information and is used by Outlook.
webscanx.exe=McAfee VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for Viruses.
winamp.exe=The WinAmp Media Player is used to open and play music, sound and video files and to organize MP3 music files.
winhlp32.exe=The Windows Help File viewer is used to open helpfiles and documentation included with many Windows programs.
winoa386.mod=The Windows MS-DOS Console provides DOS console and script funtions in Windows.
winproj.exe=Microsoft Project is a Project planning program.
winrar.exe=WinRar is a file compression utility used to create,open and extract rar files.
winroute.exe=WinRoute is a firewall/router/connection sharing software for Windows.
winword.exe=Microsoft Word is a word processing program included in Microsoft Office.
winzip32.exe=WinZip is a file compression utility used to create, open and extract zip files.
wkcalrem.exe=The Microsoft Works Calendar Reminders Background process shows popup reminders for scheduled events in your Works Calendar.
wkqkpick.exe=The WinZip traybar icon allows you to start WinZip from the traybar.
wmplayer.exe=Windows Media Player is used to open and play music, sound and video files.
wordpad.exe=Wordpad is a text editor used to open and edit txt and rtf documents.
wowexec.exe=Windows On Windows Execution Support Process provides support for 16-bit Windows applications together with ntvdm.exe.
wuaclt.exe=Microsoft Windows XP AutoUpdater instigates automatic software updates on your computer.
wuauboot.exe=Post Boot Auto-Updater for WindowsME manage automatic updates for Windows.
wuauclt.exe=AutoUpdate for WindowsME manage automatic updates for Windows.
wuaudt.exe=AutoUpdate for WindowsME deals with instigating automatic updates for Windows.
wucrtupd.exe=The Windows Update Critical Update Notification checking for the latest updates for Windows.
ypager.exe=Part of Yahoo Messenger which runs when Yahoo Messenger is running or is minimized to the traybar.
zcfgsvc.exe=A part of Intel Zero Config MFC Application, and is installed alongside their range of networking products.
zlclient.exe=A part of the Zonelabs Internet Security range of products, which acts as a firewall for your computer.